From: Ken Oliphant <>
Date: 02/05/2011 14:16:37 UTC
Subject: ODG: new publication: European Tort Law Basic Texts

List members may be interested in the following publication. (Apologies for self-publicising.)

New publication: European Tort Law: Basic Texts (eds Ken Oliphant and Barbara C Steininger, 2011).


This unique collection makes available, for the first time in a single volume, English versions of basic tort law texts from 27 national systems in Europe. It includes key provisions of national civil codes and other important legislative enactments, as well as extracts from leading cases.  Additional chapters deal with EU Law (EU Tort Law and EU Conflict of Laws) and the European harmonisation projects (the Principles of European Tort Law and the Draft Common Frame of Reference).


The book was launched on the occasion of last week’s 10th Annual Conference on European Tort Law in Vienna, and is dedicated to the conference’s founder, Helmut Koziol.


The book is published by Jan Sramek Press in Vienna, on behalf of the Institute for European Tort Law (Austrian Academy of Sciences) and the European Centre of Tort and Insurance Law. It can be ordered at the price of Euro 29,90 (excluding postage and packing) through the website below or by emailing Sabine Warschitz at


Further information at: 


Other recent publications (available from de Gruyter, Berlin):

·         European Tort Law 2009 (eds Helmut Koziol and Barbara C Steininger, 2010)

·         Damage Caused by Genetically Modified Organisms. Comparative Survey of Redress Options for Harm to Persons, Property or the Environment (ed Bernhard A Koch, 2010)

Further information about these and other titles, and about the Journal of European Tort Law, is available through